Monday, 9 January 2012

Keeping up with Bybee

Reading Naked Without Books and all this talk of resolutions for a new year of reading, I felt I too should try and focus my reading list and not keep getting distracted with science fiction and fantasy novels.  Though they are fun, I felt I read too many the previous year.  So here are my resolutions (many of which are shameless ripoffs of Bybee's.)

1.  Limit myself to no more than 10 SF or Fantasy novels.  This will be a challenge as I have just rediscovered Douglas Adams, and I continue to read Pratchett.  These are my reward books for having trudged through something like La Morte D'Arthur.  I already have one completed, I will have to ration these books from here on out.

2.  My Oregon challenge.  I am aiming for a half-dozen of these little gems.  This is a much better attempt than my measly 1 from 2011.

3.  As I am preparing for more college (hoping beyond hope I get accepted) I am going to read at least 10 academic books pertaining to my area of study.  As much as I want history books about Rome and Byzantium to count, I cannot accept those.

4.  Thomas Middleton.  10 of his plays (A full third of his oeuvre!)  As I write this I have a package waiting for me at the post office...

5.  Read more contemporary authors.  The majority of the books I read in 2011 were pre-1900, and the ones that weren't were history books describing the pre-1700s.

6.  This is a big one.  Read all of H.P. Lovecraft.  I am not using this for my SF or Fantasy resolution.  I have the complete Lovecraft with me in Yellowstone, so why not?

I think this should cover me for the year, and help direct my reading.  I wonder how long this will last before I start dismissing these resolutions and breaking them without regard?

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't Middleton the guy who died young? Or am I thinking of Chatterton? I get them mixed up. Good resolutions...glad you didn't make namby-pamby promises.
