Tuesday 17 January 2012

I can't remember Welsh names

So I finished reading the Mabinogian, a collection of 11 tales, some of which involved Arthur.  The one similarity each tale had was a name so foreign that it was rendered impossible to remember.  Halfway through some stories I forgot which character with 20 letters was doing what and who everyone was.  Male and female was blended beyond recognition unless the narrator mercifully said, "he" or "she".

Though what I read I at once recognized as romances that Chretian de Troyes wroted, except with the much easier form of the Welsh names.  How many times did I read Gwenhwyfar before I realized it was Guinivere?  The tales I recognized were easy to follow because I already knew the plot.  Also, some of the earlier tales were easily forgettable.  I suggest anyone wanting to read the Mabinogian to skip it and head strait for Chretian.  That is all.

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