Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Red Son

Superman is the iconic American hero.  Like many Americans he can trace his ancestry to a different land (Krypton), he works hard, and believes in the American Dream.  Of all super heroes no one, not even Captain America, embody the American ideal.  Which is why Red Son was such a clever idea, and it is such a simple idea.  What if Kal'el had landed in Soviet Russia instead?  This is the perfect way to have a foil for the American Superman, a Russian Superman.  Both care for all beings, but both also buy into their respective countries belief systems.

Like both, Batman is the usual antagonist as well as Lex Luthor.  Luthor from jealousy and ego, and Batman from simple fascism.  Both try and destroy what Superman does and is.  Both achieve a modicum of success. I only wish this book was longer and could more fully explore the side characters like Luthor and Batman and Wonder Woman, but it was a fascinating idea that at times seemed distracted from its main thesis.  All in all a nice little treasure of a book.

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