Saturday, 21 April 2012

Marvel Civil War

106 comics later at 30+ hours of reading, I finally finished Marvel's ultimate crossover event.  I was disappointed at the end.

It was a good idea.  Congress passes a superhuman registration act forcing all superhuman/heroes to register with the government and receive pay for doing what they have been doing for free.  But this requires them to identify themselves and receive some training so that they do not accidentally kill civilians while trying to stop a super-vilain.  Trouble is half of the superhuman community disagrees with this and call it un-American and fascist.  This faction is led by Captain America.  The side that agrees with the registration is led by the greatest minds in the Marvel Universe - Hank Pym, Reed Richards, and Tony Stark.

This is the event that leads to Spiderman revealing to the world he is Peter Parker, and the death of Goliath.  Other events happened as well that were memorable, such as Stark becoming head of S.H.E.I.L.D. and shifting of the Marvel Universe forever, and probably not in a good way.

So here are my gripes:  The idea was solid, but after reading the same arguments over and over and over and over and over again, the tedium wears on the reader.  Each comic has a writer and each writer is writing from the same script, which means that the same arguments for and against the registration are repeated ad nauseum.  At first you don't mind because this is all fresh, but then you start to mind.

Another thing is the ending.  Captain America is about to finish Iron Man and instead holds his punch and surrenders because he has a revelation of sorts.  So all of this shit that happened ends with CA changing his mind?  Marvel set this epic story up and was afraid to make any serious choices.  The war could have ended with the death of either Ironman or CA, instead he surrenders?  Why make this story at all if you end it with this disappointing and unrealistic change of heart?  At least have Ironman defeated but alive and let one side win outright.  Not this surrender.  This angered me, especially as I put in a lot of time reading each comic and following the development of all of the characters as the war progressed.

My other gripe is that no major characters were killed in this war.  I know, people hate to see a favorite get killed.  Not even a famous villain gets killed.  Its a war and no one other than Goliath gets killed?  I felt this was Marvel protecting its product, too afraid to kill off one of their characters.  Can't they just make more?  Make new and interesting characters as the old ones die.

At the end I hated this event.  I started by loving it and voraciously reading the comics, and this is how I am repaid?

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