I loved The Dark Knight Returns and Batman:Year One both amazing graphic novels by Frank Miller, and which I will read again. Which is also why I read The Dark Knight Strikes Again by Frank Miller. I knew it was poorly reviewed and largely hated, but how could someone who had written greatness write something so universally detested? I couldn't believe it for one minute so I decided to sit down and read it and was utterly amazed--not in a good way. Oh let me count the ways in bullet point form.
- The art. Frank Miller is an amazing artist and stylist as an artist. HIs art was beautiful for the Dark Knight Returns, but in this one it was confusing, anatomically impossible, and inappropriate.
- The dialogue seems crude and low brow at times. This could be Miller making a satirical jab at the collapse of values and a childish culture, but he could have made his point in more subtle ways.
- And finally the story. Where can I begin? I don't even think I can summarize whatever I just finished reading. Nothing made sense, the plot was non-existent, and nothing seemed linear or even connected. I think this book either should have been 4-times longer to explain what was going on, or not written at all. Miller threw everything into this book, but it all clustered together into nonsense. I literally have no idea what I just read and it makes me frustrated. tHe big question is how can Miller, once the comic genius, fallen so low? How did he change in the 15 years between the Dark Knight Returns and The Dark Knight Strikes Again? Did fame go to his head? What!?