This was Forster's first novel, or at least that is what I managed to gather from the back cover. I never knew he could be humorous, I was expecting a somewhat somber tale that explored class and social differences. Of course the class differences were everywhere apparent here, but there was a playful humor also, which was definitely enjoyed. But the humor only goes so far once a certain point in the novel is reached and the humor is replaced with Forster's more somber storytelling voice. I always enjoy reading his novels as he writes in a very fluid way. I never have problems with his prose, nor am I distracted by unwanted rhetorical flourishes that seem to plague a lot of other writers. Forster's is a simple and direct prose, at least this is my estimation of him.
As for the novel, I enjoyed it greatly. It takes place in England and Italy and involves a baby. That is all I will say. It was a quick read and was over too soon. I guess next up from Forster will be A Room with a View, which I have never even read a synopsis of.
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