I did it. I finally read the complete Le Morte Darthur in the original middle English. It took a long time, but I did it. I loved some parts of it, but I can safely say I am not impressed with reading about jousting tournaments and jousts. It felt like there was a new jousting tournament every twenty pages. Oh, please not another joust. These jousts were brief but then they were followed by a swordfight that lasted for over three hours and blood was everywhere. I want to know if they took restroom breaks. Did they stop and have a civil lunch and then get back to the fighting? Who fights and bleeds all over the place for three hours. Thats like having a fist fight (less blood--maybe) for the duration of Gone with the Wind. It doesn't seem possible. Besides some of the jousts, which i viewed as fillers, the book had some very interesting stories and characters. I have to say I found Sir Kay and amusing character, what with his over the top pride. And Sir Gawaine was also a well developed character with anger issues and staying on his saddle. Every other page some sturdier knight would knock him off his saddle and ride away. It was comical. And Dagonet was funny, and Sir Gareth had a funny story involving a shrewish woman. There is much to recommend in this giant tome of a book, you just have to be patient.
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