Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Getting busy

This is more of a list than anything.  Finding time to make entries is getting difficult these days between teaching class, going to class, reading for class, making presentations, and writing papers.  I thought this was going to be a vacation...well not really.

81- Understanding Comics by Scott Macloud.  Great theoretical graphic novel trying to show how the reader interprets the images and words on the comic page.  Some really abstract information in here.  Was really pleased with what I was able to take away from this.

82- Wild Life by Molly Gloss.  A Northwest writer writing a feminist novel about a woman at the turn of the 20th century in Washington.  This is one of those books that crosses many genres.

83- Elements of Style by Strunk and White.  I should have read this tiny volume years ago, it definitely is a great little book despite being 80 years old.  I will be teaching from this next semester.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading Elements of Style now, too. What a great idea to teach from it in class.

    The Jump-Off Creek is another good one by Molly Gloss.
